Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ticket To Ride

It is quite likely that I may be taking some plane flights in the near futuring (visiting grad programs- I found out yesterday that I got in to Texas A&M, still waiting to hear from Purdue and South Carolina).
That in mind, I laughed while listening to this Sara Evans song.

I wouldn't mind meeting my soulmate on an airplane.
My favorite line:
 "Lord knows I've tried to find a decent guy
It's hard to do
The way I hate to shop, how I love football
You'd think I'd have two"
That's me.
Although hate is too strong of a word for how I feel about shopping, it's more like I've just got to be in the right mood...
Luckily the girl in the song finds love right there on that plane.
I'll let you know if that happens to me... 
Somehow I predict I'll be sitting next to an old woman who chats my ear off the entire time.


  1. I'm going to check that song out immediately. Sounds like me.

  2. Please go to SC!!! You wouldn't be far from me!!!

  3. I love Sara Evans!! Don't I wish that song was true for me haha! Congratulations on Texas A&M! That is so exciting! I'm so happy for you!


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